
Lisat Consulting offers a range of assessment tools to her coaching clients and as a standalone service. 

These tools offer important insights into an executive’s character, decision making, and areas that can be supported through coaching. Ultimately, this suite of tools creates growth opportunities through the development of self-awareness.

Facet 5

Facet5 is one of the most modern and advanced measures of personality available today. Used by organizations and consultants worldwide, Facet5 harnesses the power of personality, supporting individuals, teams and businesses to realize their full potential. Facet5 provides a simple model and a common language to explain how people differ in their behaviour, motivation and attitudes, and more importantly, what can be achieved.

The five factor model of personality (or ‘Big 5’) is now widely accepted as the best way of describing the fundamental building blocks of personality. The ‘Big 5’ model consistently emerges from psychological research as the irreducible minimum needed to give a comprehensive description of personality and behaviour. Facet5 measures these five factors precisely and quickly to give the most accurate and easily applied portrait of individual differences in behaviour.

Facet 5 – Communication SuperSkills

Super-Skills was born out of a curiosity to identify the core skills that underpin all conversations we have as human beings; be those at work or at home.

With extensive, respective experience in the fields of communication and personality – The Right Conversation* and Facet5 created the Super-Skills of Great Conversations. This unique combination of the ‘Art of Communication’ and the ‘Science of Personality’ answers the question on ‘how do I have great conversations?’

Super-Skills establishes a baseline measure of someone’s natural conversation skills and habits. It provides clarity around where an individuals’ conversational strengths and challenges lay so that they are able to move forward with the confidence to enhance the quality of relationships they have at work and at home.

The 5 Super-Skills of Great Conversations™ are the core skills that underpin all conversations we have. This means that equipping individuals with the 5 Super-Skills drives improvements in numerous conversations – including performance management, collaboration, career development and handling difficult conversations.

How effective we are in conversations of course depends in part on our skills. But how we are likely to ‘show up’ in conversation against the 5 Super-Skills can also be predicted by our personality. The SuperSkills report maps an individual’s Facet5 results onto the 5 Super-Skills of Great Conversations, providing a unique insight into an individual’s strengths, what they might need to manage, and where they can focus to drive improvements.

EQ-i 2.0

Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be defined as a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.

While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional intelligence is not a static factor – to the contrary, one’s emotional intelligence changes over time and can be developed in targeted areas.

For almost 20 years, consultants and organizations have trusted the science that underpins the EQ-i 2.0® (and its predecessor the EQ-i 1.0) to help improve human performance. The EQ-i 2.0 is a psychometric assessment which measures emotional intelligence (EI) and how it can impact people and the workplace. Being the first scientifically validated measure of EI, coupled with research from premier organizations, means you can count on the EQ-i 2.0 to add robustness and accuracy to your talent management initiatives. Applications of emotional intelligence include:

  • Leadership Development
  • Selection
  • Organizational Development
  • Executive Coaching
  • Team Building
  • Student Development


Hogan’s comprehensive approach to personality assessment provides the depth and detail needed to hire the right employees, identify and develop talented individuals, and build better leaders. Hogan assessments provide insight into three big questions:

What do people want?
Financial security? The opportunity to innovate? The desire to make a difference? Peoples’ core motives and values affect every aspect of their lives, from what they find rewarding to how they make decisions. Understanding employee values is key to creating an engaged and motivated workforce.

How will they get what they want?
Career success depends on personality as well as education, experience, and technical skill. Bright-side (or normal) personality characteristics predict success in careers, relationships, education, and life.

What will get in their way?
When people stop self-monitoring, strengths can become weaknesses. The ambitious salesperson turns into a cutthroat competitor. The meticulous accountant turns into a nitpicking micromanager. If these dark-side personality characteristics go unrecognized, they can derail careers.

The Leadership Circle Profile™360° Assessment

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) is a true breakthrough among 360 degree profiles. It is the first to connect a well-researched battery of competencies with the underlying and motivating habits of thought. It reveals the relationship between patterns of action and internal assumptions that drive behaviour. Ultimately, LCP goes to the source of behavior to get greater leverage on change. Furthermore, unlike most profiles that take hours to interpret, LCP integrates this information in a way that brings the key issues to the surface instantly. The data in the LCP reveals itself in seconds. At a glance, the whole gestalt is accessible — putting leaders in touch with what is working, what is not, and why! In most organizations, this treasure trove of information remains buried. The LCP makes it easily accessible while it creates a foundation on which ground breaking change can occur at a higher level and sustainable pace.

The LCP is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains — Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies — and integrates this information so that key opportunities for development immediately rise to the surface.

Creative Competencies are well-researched competencies measuring how you achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance your own development, act with integrity and courage, and improve organizational systems.

Reactive Tendencies are leadership styles emphasizing caution over creating results, self-protection over productive engagement, and aggression over building alignment. These self-limiting styles over emphasize the focus on gaining the approval of others, protecting yourself, and getting results through high control tactics.

Leadership Culture Survey™

The Leadership Culture Survey delivers a powerful “litmus” test of your leadership culture. Used for your entire organisation, or just a leadership team, the Leadership Culture Survey reveals valuable data: It tells you how your people view their current leadership culture, and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. The “gap” between data on the current culture and the desired outcome instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development. Furthermore, the Leadership Culture Survey measures how your leadership culture compares to that of other organisations.

The Leadership Culture Survey provides an affordable, web based, and user friendly insight into your culture as influenced by collective leadership. Results are downloadable for immediate access. With the Leadership Culture Survey you can conduct a thorough and valid assessment of the impact that collective leadership has on your culture. LCS provides you the ability to choose whether you want to assess organisation culture, business unit culture or team culture.

See the whole picture and discover a compelling rationale for change.

Change Style Indicator®

The Change Style Indicator is a leadership assessment designed to measure an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change. It provides respondents of all levels with insights on personal preferences for managing through change. It also provides context for how those around them might perceive and respond to their preferred style. The instrument addresses both initiated and opposed change and places the respondent on a continuum of three styles:
  • Conserver: Prefers the known to the unknown. Disciplined, detailed, deliberate and organized. Accept structure. Prefer gradual change.
  • Pragmatist: Prefers to explore the current situation in an objective manner. Reasonable, practical, agreeable and flexible. Explore structure. Prefer change that best serves the function.
  • Originator: Prefers a faster and more radical approach to change. Unconventional, spontaneous and risk takers. Challenge the structure. Prefer quicker, more expansive and radical change.

Invest in the Leader You Know You Can Be

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